Tarasenko, Kyrylо V.Тарасенко, Кирило ВалентиновичТарасенко, Кирилл Валентинович2016-06-022016-06-022015http://eir.zntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/813Tarasenko K. Theoretical aspects of the pragmatic adaptation of the text / K. V. Tarasenko // Держава та регіони : науково-виробничий журнал. Серія: “Гуманітарні науки” / ред. кол.: Торкут Н. М. (гол. ред.) [та ін.]. – Запоріжжя. – 2015.– № 2. – С. 51-54.UK: Ця стаття присвячена вивченню проблеми прагматичної адаптації тексту в сучасному перекладознавстві. В ній концептуалізовано ключові положення та підходи до прагматичної адаптації тексту, які допомагають чітко структурувати механізми перекладу та сприяють розробці певних перекладацьких стратегій. EN: This article is devoted to the investigation of problems of pragmatic adaptation of the text in modern translation studies. The key approaches to pragmatic adaptation of the text, which help to understand the nature of the mechanisms of translation and contribute to the development of translation’s strategies are in the centre of attention in this article. The works on translation studies written by of A. Noybert, V. Komissarov, Y. Rezker, A. Shweizer, L. Barhudarov, V. Radchuk and other prominent scholars are in the focus of this investigation that has a character of a review. It is stated that pragmatic adaptation of the text is aimed to produce the same effect both for the native speaker and for the alien speaker. Different classifications of the types of pragmatic adaptation are also taken into account (A. Noybert, V. Komissarov, A. Shweizer). The influence of the extra linguistic factors, which is of vital importance, is also mentioned in the process of pragmatic adaptation of the text. The analytic survey of the works of the scholars has showed that the translator should in any case adhere to the pragmatic equivalence of the source text and the target text, and it is desirable that the text should make the same effect both on the native speaker and non-native speaker. In this context the personality of the translator and his (her) skills play an important role, because of their ability to take into account both a communicative situation, and a specific historical and cultural context. The translator should transfer the pragmatic intention of the speaker and, what is the most important, to reproduce the spirit of the original text as closely as possible, even taking into account certain realia or something that can’t be translated. The most difficult aspect in this case is to translate realia or some specific words or cultural points which have no direct equivalents in the language of translation and there seems to be no possibility to convey the semantic effect for the non-native speaker RU: Эта статья посвящена изучению проблемы прагматической адаптации текста в современном переводоведении. В ней концептуализованы ключевые положения и подходы к прагматической адаптации текста, которые помогают четко структурировать механизмы перевода и способствуют развитию переводческих стратегий.ukpragmatic adaptationpragmaticstranslation studiesпрагматична адаптаціяпрагматикаперекладознавствопрагматическая адаптацияпереводоведениеTheoretical aspects of the pragmatic adaptation of the textПрагматична адаптація перекладу тексту: ключові підходи та методологічні орієнтириПрагматическая адаптация перевода текста: ключевые подходы и методологические ориентирыArticle